So I started my morning out with a spoonful of my favorite  SKIPPY crunchy peanut butter and headed to the gym for a 2mi run on an incline. Whenever your on the treadmill always do some sort of incline to give your butt a boost! It really helps rather than just running on the flat surface, even if you run a little bit slower, it'll pay off in the long run. And who doesn't want a nice bottom?!! Also if your not feeling the energy try the cardio boosting workout curtesy of peanut butter flingers blog today! Have a great Tuesday and get some physical activity in, whether it be a short walk, a couple push ups, at least it is something to get your blood flowing and your heart pumping! Got to start somewhere! Later in the afternoon is some back and bi workout for me. I will upload my new workouts soon. Stay posted!
I don't pride myself as being very lucky, however I can't help myself to at least give it a shot and enter my name! Here's a chance for you to win an awesome cookbook and check out another bloggers great webpage
 Today is another busy day at school and class later tonight. I did crack and had a very small cup of black coffee today at a meeting. Up until today I had not been tempted and was coffee free for about 5 weeks. I have been drinking lipton green tea, so delicious and they have some greta flavors, i love the blueberry!  WEBMD shares some great insight on the many health benefits of green tea

Happy Monday to all :) Keep healthy and happy!

I know it has been such a long time, but I am making a commitment to keep blogging!

Since spring is right around the corner (hopefully) Here are some helpful tips form to spring clean your life and get healthy!
1. Remove all processed foods
2. Get enough sleep
3. It's all about PROTEIN!
4. Know what and how much you are ingesting calorie wise
5. Intensive high energy CARDIO!
6. LIFT those weights
for more details check out

To truly make some changes in your life you need a plan, so grab a pencil and paper and start writing down your goals and how your going to accomplish them!
For me I have vowed to eliminate chocolate and sweets from my days and eat peanut butter in moderation ( i love it and cannot stop eating it!).

Happy Thursday everyone :) 


    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


    February 2013
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012