I think I have figured out the reason I have been struggling to get back on track. I think I am burnt out and have been overworking my body. For a while there I was doing a ton of cardio simultaneously with lifting weights, in addition to running on my off days and sometimes not even giving myself much of a break. I was becoming obsessed with eating way too clean and exercising too too much every day and not giving myself a break. I think I didn’t increase my calorie consumption which I should have since I was doing so much exercise, and somewhere along the line I ran out of energy. My body became tired very quickly and it wasn’t being fueled with enough food.  I was not eating a cheat meal a week and deprivation of cheat food definitely leads to binging at some point or another on bad food.

I was actually doing more harm than good to my body which led me to this exercise slump and cheat food rage. I could have also injured my body in the process since I was not taking good care of it. But, since I have a few days until school starts I think I will take a break from exercising but try and stay active by walking a lot, doing some yard work and trying to run outside. I think I am going to spend this time with my parents since all of my sisters have just recently moved away to college L And I am the only one living at home so it will be nice to have a little mini vaca before I begun all the hard work ahead of me and take some bonding time with my parents. Than when I start up again next week I can fall in love with exercising again, because I really love it, and for a while there I was not looking forward to my gym time and I was burning myself out.

The key to good health and wellness is to listen to our bodies and find what is right for us. We all lose and gain weight differently and we need to be aware of our bodies needs. We can be educated on what to do, but sometimes our goals can lead us a stray and striving for perfection can make us a little nutty. Being too healthy can hurt our bodies too. We need to give it breaks and rewards as well. I think that a good break allows us to relax a little and reap in the rewards of all the hard work we have put into our bodies. And by the time our mini break is over, once we get back in the gym we will fall in love with exercising all over again, at least for me this usually works. After a mini break it is like rediscovering the world of health and fitness again and I have that momentum to go in with a great plan and conquer it!

Here is a great article on overtraining and when it can be too much http://www.fitnessrxmag.com/fitness/training/1323-how-much-is-too-much.html And here is a great one for getting back in the ring and burning off those extra calories http://www.fitnessrxmag.com/fitness/cardio/1219-burn-1000-extra-calories-a-day-and-lose-weight-fast.html

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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


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