As I said a while ago, I was working on a workout for a friend who wants to get toned but is also gluten intolerant so I designed an outline for a meal plan for her. Here is what I gave her, hopefully it can help some of you too!

Meal 1,3,5 (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Meal 2,4,6 (snacks 150-200 calories)

*the key is to eat less prepackaged foods and stick with whole foods
*keep a cheat meal a week and if you slip up don’t just keep going and eat junk eta clean the next meal!
*when creating your meals always start with the protein and add the veggies/fruit than the carbs for complete meals (watch your portion intake too)

Meal 1               2 slices of glueten free bread with 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg
                        A piece of fruit
                        1 cup of oatmeal with 1.2 cup of berries (fruit)
                        yogurt (low sugar) with ½ cup cereal ½ cup fruit
                        2 slices of bread with 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 banana
                        2 whole wheat pancakes/waffles with fruit

Meal 2/4/6    greek yogurt with fruit and 10 almonds
                        1 piece of fruit 10 almonds
                        Cheese and gluten free whole wheat crackers
                        protein shake
                        Fat free Cottage cheese ½ cup with fruit and/or 1 oz almonds
                        Greek yogurt or regular fat free yogurt
                        Piece of fruit and 10 almonds

Meal 3/5           salad with chicken and lots of veggies and 1 piece of fruit
                        2 slices of bread with turkey/chicken/etc and veggies
                        Sweet potato, chicken and veggies

*Drinks – keep it clean with water and coffees or teas (drink lots of water!!!)
*black coffee is best but it can be hard to get used to, slowly reduce the amount of creamer and sugar and you can get used to it black if not it is ok!
NO ALCOHOL!!! Try and reduce sodas and other sugary beverages slowly

*machines – warm up with one set of 12 no weight
*if you can do more than 12 reps don’t be afraid to bump up the weight…you won’t get bulky promise!
*record weight you lifted for everything and write how you felt
*I have you doing supersets so it will be quick and get your heart rate going at the same time, take 30sec to a minute break between each superset

Day 1 (legs)
CARDIO 10 min warm up BIKE
1.Jump Squats (can do with a light weight ball in hand)
1. Lunges with 5lb weights in each hand
2. leg extensions 3x12
2. leg curl 3x12
3. leg press 3x12
3. calf raises 3x12

Day 2 (arms and abs)
CARDIO 10 min warm up (elliptical)
1. Dumb bell curls 3x12
1. Dumb bell tricep extensions behind the head 3x12
2. EZ bar curl 3x12
2. Tricep dips on bench 3x12
3. Hanging leg raises 3x10
4. Decline crunches 3x10
5. Crunches on swiss ball 3x10
CARDIO 10min walk/jog depending on how you feel

Day 3 (back, shoulders, chest)
CARDIO 10 min warm up (light walk/jog on treadmill)
1. Assisted pull ups 3x10
1. Push ups 3x10 (do them on your knees if you cannot do regular ones and you can build upon it each week, do as many as you can)
2. Seated row machine 3x12
2. Lat pull down 3x12
3. Seated dumb bell shoulder press 3x12
3. Hyperextensions 3x12
4. Dumb bell front raises 3x10
4. Dumb bell side lat raises 3x10
CARDIO elliptical 2mi (depending on how you feel)

Day 4 (CARDIO)
20-30 min of your choice CARDIO!!!
Can be the at home workout circuit, a walk, anything you want!

At Home Workout! (1 full body)
25       Jumping Jacks
5          Push Ups
10       High Knees
3          Burpees
5          Squats
10       Crunches
5          Lunges
5          Push Ups
25       Jumping Jacks
10       High Knees
10       Crunches
3          Burpees
5          Lunges
10       Squats
REPEAT 3x or as many times as possible!

At Home Workout! (2 legs)
30       Jumping Jacks
25       High Knees
5          Lunges
10       Crunches
5          Squats
3          Burpees
5          Squats
5          Lunges
10       Crunches
25       High Knees
REPEAT 3x or as many times as possible!

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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


    February 2013
    October 2012
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    August 2012