I was reading this great article in women's health today while I was working out on the elliptical. It was all about food cravings and  how we can never just stop at one m&m or just one bite of ice cream. Once we start, we often cannot stop eating the sugar! I know this is very true for me, my brain goes out the window and my food cravings just take over my mind and body. I end up shoveling so much sweets in my mouth that I lose track of what I am eating. In this article they give some great tips and alternatives to kill those cravings. I know for me going cold turkey is the best answer because one bite and I go crazy!! But sometimes thinking about all the hard work I put into my workouts and how good I was with my eating all day makes me think better, as well as keeping busy. By distracting myself I can stay away from that giant piece of cake in the fridge! Living at home with my parents who always have candy around, it is extremely tempting but getting yourself in the right mind where you say that this is only food that I eat on cheat days or holidays can help too.

Also brushing your teeth or chewing a piece of gum can distract you from mindless eating, because that is what it ends up to be. By choosing foods rick in protein and carbs, you can satisfy your stomach without busting your waistline.


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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


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