As we all know, when we look at someone’s body who we admire or envy we most often think of those tight washboard abs. But how do we achieve that for ourselves? It takes a lot of hard work and dedication in the gym and especially in the kitchen. We cannot spot reduce abs, and to uncover them we must have a low percentage of body fat, which is even harder for women since we are meant to have more fat on us (because our bodies are made to carry babies!). However, this does not mean it is an unattainable goal, it just means we have to work a little harder. But keep in mind that our genes almost always play a role in abs, some of us are born with good genes to easily attain abs while others might have to do a little more cardio or be a little more careful with their eating. The secret to abs is always cardio though, with a mix of abs exercises and of course a healthy and clean meal plan. Here is some good ab advice  Personally for me, I have horrible ab genes and have to be super strict and do a ton of cardio to even have a flat stomach, let alone see my abs! But we all have them and I am determine to get them just like everyone else!!

Also, another topic I have mentioned before is recovery and rest for muscles from all the hard training we put our bodies to. Those rest days can be complete rest days which means only doing the day to day activities, or active rest which can include some sort of light exercise such as walking or yoga, etc. Active rest is imperative to build muscle and recover. This article gives a little more background on the subject  And if you may be looking to switch things up or challenge your body here is a great circuit workout to try Circuit training burns more calories since it gets your heart rate up and it is also done in a shorter amount of time so it is great for a quick work out day. I like to weight train four days a week and do cardio and abs two days, and the last day is my rest day from all exercising activities, but find what works best for you and stick to it!

I mentioned yoga as a great active rest activity, but another kind is bikram yoga. I have not tried it myself but I hear wonderful things about it. Many people use it to shed some extra pounds and because they just like to sweat a lot! It is an intense form of HOT yoga. It’s great for weight loss, cardiovascular activity, stretching, reducing pain, circulation, and even balance. Check it out!

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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


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