So I have been working with my friend to design a good nutrition plan and exercise plan for her. It takes time because in order to tailor a good program, one needs to know basically everything about you, so that I don;t just set her up for failure with a bad plan.

She told me that she struggles with breakfast, which can definitely make or break one's day. Starting the day off with a good breakfast is key to starting the day healthy. A breakfast with proteins, carbs, and veggies/fruit is a must to give you the strength you need to plow through the day. 

Yes breakfast can be difficult but plan right and it'll be easy, I know I have been just eating in the car on my drive to school. I eat whole wheat bread with 1 egg and 3 egg whites with some veggies in the eggs and a side of fruit usually a banana or handful of grapes. I suggest making your breakfast the night before  so that you can just grab and go. The other day I bought whole grain pancake mix from bob's red mill, it is organic and you just add 1 egg, 3/4 cup milk, tsp oil and i added in blueberries and peaches, and i will probly eat all the left over pancakes for my breakfast this wk until their gone hahaa. But making something like that. Since my friend is gluten free, she has to be very careful, but she can eat oats, so all you have to do is blend some oats in a blender and use that as a substitute for the flour, add eggs oil (or apple sauce substitute) milk (or water) and make them over the stove on a hot griddle and their perfect for the car. Or make a batch of muffins (use eggs and egg whites oat flour (oatmeal blended) tsp of vanilla extract and tsp of cinnamon, add some fruit and your good to go. now i just made these ones and since there is not much consistency they stick to the muffin wrapper so if you want just spray the muffin pan and don't use papers, if you do this make sure you use an old muffin pan haha. but yeah these kinds of breakfasts are great and easy and can provide a lot of morning breakfasts. I suggest staying away from box cereal it tends to have a ton of sugar and not that many nutrients and you can wind up still being hungry afterwards. When deciding what to eat,always think in your head, do i have my protein? check! do i have my carbs? check! and do i have my vegetables/fruit? check.! It's a good way to ensure a complete meal, especially when your doing homecooking. Always, always eat breakfast! (within an hour of waking is best). If you skip breakfast you will find yourself starving and grab the closest thing that resembles food to stuff in your mouth. Than youll feel funny, maybe get a headache and decide that you already started the day out bad and continue to eat non healthy food. But always know you can take control and turn the day around with some good staples in your pantry like oat meal, yogurt, fresh fruits/veggies, and lean proteins. Always be prepared!

What level should I be doing on the elliptical and treadmill and what should my heat rate be at ?

As for the elliptical. It depends on the amount of time you are spending on it. Say you want a quick 10min workout. I say go all out and get your heart rate going for that 10min. Always be sure to have good posture and never ever lean forward!! I see so many girls doing this and it is terrible for your back and defeats the purpose of exercising. Make sure to always stand erect and tall while exercising. If you are doing say 10 or 20min or longer, I would switch it up and do 2 min of intensity and then slow it down and give yourself a breather for 3 min than repeat until your down. Always make sure you do a nice little warm up for 5min and than cool for at least 5 to 10min. This wakes up your body and makes sure you are not pulling any muscles or hurting yourself. You can follow these same rules for the treadmill too, depending on the amount of time decide if you want a quick workout, than opt for a higher intensity, if you want a longer workout be sure to switch it up with high.low intensity so you don;t burn yourself out. For both you can put it on an incline, the elliptical you can adjust the incline to whatever leg part you want to target. Always go for a resistance that is challenging but not going to burn you out. you can also play around with the incline and resistance. Maybe make the resistance harder if your going slower and the incline higher or vice versa. Play around with the machine and see what is best for you, that is going to challenge your body! Your heart rate will be different for everyone depending on your age and weight. But a target range  of 150 means your doing work! Most machines give you a target rate chart!

Send any questions or comments my way if you have them! Happy LABOR day! Make sure to get some R&R and healthy eating! Remember indulge within portions!

9/2/2012 09:25:58 pm

If you don't change this font from Comic Sans, I am going to clobber you.


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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


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