I am so sorry that I have not posted in a while. With school starting and my work schedule, every day has been crazy busy. But I have gotten into a good schedule and working on my own healthy eating and exercise again. Since I took a vaca from exercising, I decided to stick with my same workout and reps to ease myself back into it and revitalize my body again. In a week or two I will lower my reps and increase my weight lifting, while decreasing my cardio (if I can!!).

Recently I have been chatting with a friend about eating more healthy, but how to keep it from not being boring. Often we associate healthy eating with boring and bland food such as oat meal and brown rice. These are two great healthy options and keep you feeling full, but often it can get boring, which is why we need to remember to treat ourselves at least once a week to give into those cravings and reward ourselves, but to stay on the health train and not binge. My advice is always add fruits, veggies and spices to anything you are making. Add some strawberries, apples or bananas to your oatmeal,a nd maybe with some cinnamon and milk if you want. For rice, add some steamed veggies and spices to make it flavorful. Always add some dry rubs and spices to your meats, or marinate them in some dressing for about 10min before cooking. There are so many recipes and different styles of cooking too. Cook on the grill, the over the stove, etc. You can make a soup and put your veggies, meat and potatoes all in one meal. Or make a wrap with meat and veggies, or of course a large salad with everything but the kitchen sink!

Play around with your food and see what you like best and don't be afraid to spice up your food. It doesn't have to be boring, but it does not have to ooze of butter and salt either. Try this recipe for crepes or change it up and make it for dessert by adding some chocolate and fruit! http://www.fitnessrxmag.com/nutrition/recipes/entrees/1238-ratatouille-veggie-stuffed-crepe.html or a quick breakfast!
Or some healthy grilling ideas for dinner! http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/healthy-grilling-marinades?page=6


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    Hello! My name is Katrina Wagner and I am a twenty-two year old, living in Northeast PA. Welcome to my Blog! I have a passion for living healthy and I hope to share and inspire this passion with you too!


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